Tuesday, August 7, 2012

3 effects

Effect One

This is the first effect that I've started on, adding compliments when the ingredients hit the box. I realized that Mr Ron was teaching this effect but his one was shooting the crate and have +1 appearing. Hence I applied the same technique/script. Instead of having only 1 kind of compliments, I had 4 in total, saying "Great" "Good Job" "Awesome" and "Amazing" This is one of the easiest effect I've done. I went to the net and search for a font, added in the script and this is the outcome! Each compliment lasts for two seconds and it will destroy itself.

Here's the image of my compliment.

 Here's the script, with the fade up effect after the words appear.

Effect Two

The second effect that I have is splatter, I referenced this from fruit ninja, when the fruit is being slashed, there's actually stains on the wall, so in this case the stain is on the floor. I used a prefab, script and particle system to make this effect.

Here's the script of my splatter.

The problem faced for splatter is that when I applied the script to the floor for the collision to occur, the ingredients start falling through the floor. Hence another plane was duplicated and we added a mesh collider to it alternately. After that then the collision happens. This is how we actually make it hit on the floor.

Effect Three

Bonus Time
When you catch the blue ball, it will add additional time to the game. Simple effect done here!

I created the sphere, added texture, made it a prefab and then added plusTime script to it, and it works. What's difficult was that I didn't know how to script it. After seeking help, here's my effect 3!

Monday, July 30, 2012


For today's elearning we actually came back and then compiled our games together. Adding those effects that are done together. After compiling,  I return back to doing my splatter, but when I apply the prefab and the script to the ingredients, then I had very bad result because after that I realized there's actually a particle effect following it, and soon after it was 3pm, I didn't have enough time to take screen shot and edit it. Let's hope that I can finish the other 2 effects in one week's time :(

Monday, July 23, 2012

One Effect Down!

Work in progress!

Today in class, we've learnt how to make scores appearing when the crate exploded. Hence I've applied it to what I need to do for our project. Hence I started off with creating the script, and then created multiple words and let it come out randomly. Here's two words that actually appeared after the ingredients were caught.

Script that do the fade up

Script that after its being caught, the words come out.

The red underlines and box are where the random script is and destroying itself after few seconds.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Since I kinda forget how to do the splat and I tried contacting Mr Ron, but he wasn't available, I've decided to start on the compliments first, so I'm struggling in between using a hand sign as "good" or words.

Using pop out words give me a lot more variety to put than using hand signs, but... Hand sign are more straight forward. Here's some picture for words, its actually good but in almost every game they do that. Unless, we accumulate many thumbs up and then a combo word will appear, hence we'll use both. Still considering between which two to use, OR we can use both.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dusty Dust

Here's my sand for the floor

Here's my dust particle exercise for last class, which was done during the week for this blog post. From the very first picture, you can see that the dust is actually in huge lumps, very ugly and doesnt' even look like dust. Hence I've changed the start size to something smaller and having it to emit lesser particles, then it look better, like the second picture.

After tweaking it for a little while, I managed to acheive the 3rd picture as shown above. This time, I think that the colour is a bit off as there's a lot of white particles that can be seen and the dust can be further improved. After many tries of changing the numbers, I've finally gotten the last picture as seen above. It would be nicer, if it could be intercepting the legs but I do not know how to do that. So this is the end of my dust exercise process!

(I couldn't enter captions on top of the picture cause blogger doesn't allow me to "space"!!)

So as for my assignment, I was trying to put the splat script in, and putting it on the food ingredients but it doesn't seem to work as what I've saw/learnt 2 weeks ago. Still working on it and getting really impatient with it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let it snow let it snow let it snow

Here's our CG snow flakes! Last lesson, we had a short lesson doing ripples with houdini, and we were asked to actually replace the snow with snow flakes. So I googled images of snowflakes and here I am, with a purple/blueish snowflake!

Here's a screen shot of my snowflake moving, different color arrows represent different things.
  • Green
    To show the snowflakes are coming down in different sizes
  • Pink
    The snowflake are slowly fading out (destroying) itself
  • Black
    Its not just coming down in one direction, one way, its rotating while its falling!

Lastly we were allowed to ask questions regarding our games! So I think the splat script is difficult, or it won't be easy, hence I've consulted Mr Ron and asked how to do the splattered part. Still working on the script together with our game. That's about it this lesson!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

3 Effects for Me

Effects I intend to add in this game!

☇Well Done, Good, Excellent, Combo, Whoopsey! Appearing when the ingredient landed, or whoopsey will appear when the chilli lands on the player's hand.
  • Adding a compliment is very interactive in a game!

☇When there is a combo acheived, there will be a time freeze together with it for about 10 seconds?
  • Freeze will be at the corner. Maybe it can be done by doing a texture and then when its supposed to be freezed, there will be a fade in or fade out effect.

☇Splat of juices from the cheese, patty, when it lands on the floor.

  • When the player missed and the patty drops on the floor, it will cause this splattering effect that is on the wall in these examples.