Sunday, June 24, 2012

3 Effects for Me

Effects I intend to add in this game!

☇Well Done, Good, Excellent, Combo, Whoopsey! Appearing when the ingredient landed, or whoopsey will appear when the chilli lands on the player's hand.
  • Adding a compliment is very interactive in a game!

☇When there is a combo acheived, there will be a time freeze together with it for about 10 seconds?
  • Freeze will be at the corner. Maybe it can be done by doing a texture and then when its supposed to be freezed, there will be a fade in or fade out effect.

☇Splat of juices from the cheese, patty, when it lands on the floor.

  • When the player missed and the patty drops on the floor, it will cause this splattering effect that is on the wall in these examples.

Tiny little bit left

After two weeks of extra time given, we've tried our very best to complete the game. Scripting was really difficult because a lot of the scripts are way beyond what we've learnt in class, and checking out forum did help, but it doesn't apply to everything we need. Hence we only get it more or less done but not perfect.

Problem we faced at first :
  • The food doesn't stack nicely
  • Even after adding box collider to the table, the character could still go through. Box collider to the floor, yet the food still can drop through it.
  • Replacing the old scene to the newer one. Newer one as in the wall can be seen double sided already, and some error occured, like we couldn't make the direction of the burger go to the the correct way even if we changed it to the correct axis.
  • Making the explosion because its difficult to catch one ingredient, let alone the chilli. So we could hardly even try it properly on our final game
  • Since the food is shooting out randomly and the guy was moving too fast!

Problems we try to solve :

  • Box collider to the table and the floor so that the food can land instead of dropping through ✔
  • Replacing the newer scene. We opened the newest scene, and the slowly put in the script one by one. Starting from the Start Menu, to the Instructions, spawnPoint, shooting script, food force script, slowly one by one, we add it in. If any problem surfaced, we get to know where's the problem and we could solve it immediately, or at least try solving it.
  • Regina and I was supposed to do the explosion of the chilli, but Joseph did it in the end. Hence its he's credit ✔
  • The food was shooting out randomly, too fast and its almost impossible to wait for a top bun and catch it, we've decided to implement the time system so that at least there'll be an ending to the game instead of just waiting and waiting and missing the top bun we wanted at the beginning ✔
  • Guy was moving too fast, slow down effect was added by hitting "F" and to get the effect off cause it gets your point negative, just hit "G" to return to the orignal speed again. ✔

3 effects per person is really quite a lot, cause our scene is only a simple kitchen but we'll still work on it, think of stuffs to add but not redundant effects. Probably a "Good job", "Excellent" will appear once the ingredient land on the box. Need to squeeze some brain juice here.

Anyway, here's all the screen shot of work which I did and some together with other group members. Right from the beginning!

Start Menu


Textured Kitchen Scene

Flip Script

Ingredient Axis and force

Spawnpoint's Script

Game while on play mode

That's about it for our game up till now for about the past 6 to 7 weeks? Yeah we'll carry on working on it till the last week of the semester!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The week before presentation

The layout of our game is all done! Like the start game, pause, instructions and game over. Kitchen scene set up, chef and player are done too. What we're left and stuck in is scripting them all together. Previous week, Regina and I worked on the script for the ingredients to shoot out. But what we face is that we can't make the ingredient is to have a arc when its coming out of the prefab.

 For this start menu, I added a little small "instruction" by the right side, and then it'll jump into the instruction menu to teach players how to play the game.

This is the script we did and allow the ingredient to come out randomly, at random timing.

Halfway till the completed game, let's hope we can finish it by today!